Saturday, December 30, 2006

Slacking 101

Oh yea I been slacking hardcore lol I am suppose to be posting regularly but as we can see that hasn't been happening and why is that becasue I tend to procrastinate I have tons of things I want to talk about but by the time I get to posting it I have forgotten most of it but while I am here lets recap shall we still doing good on no soda..X-mas was nice and quiet I stayed home X-mas eve while boyfriend drove 4 hrs to his parents to open gifts( I stayed home due to my legs it makes sitting and traveling very uncomfortable) but I have to say it was nice being home alone I got some reading done and it was nice and quiet ahhhh who doesnt like peace and quiet..So anyways he calls me while he they are opening gifts he opens his and the couple gifts and brings mine how so I can open them..ok so fast forward to X-mas day when he comes home he comes home with plates full of candy and cookies his mom shoved at home to take home now this comes from a women who ever time she sees him says you have packed on some weight...Now someone please tell me if you think he needs to lose some weight why in the hell would you send all this shit home with him in the first place ???...I love his mother dearly but somethings she does drives me crazy I will go on more about her tomorrow..I have made a few resolutions for 2007 that I plan on trying my damnest to stick to as if my life dependened on it cause honestly I know it does the only person who can do this and win this fight is me...So the fun begins lol...Well that is all for now I will blog more again tomorrow night....


Donna said...

Hey there Rae, thanks for noting my blog. Nice to meet you! Good luck in 2007!

Yakima Doors said...

Hello mate greaat blog post