Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday, Monday

Ahh where did the weekend go ? Oh I know I slept it away in a Benadryl Sinus induced sleep and I still feel like crap...It rained this weekend so wasn't much going on anyways...Well Friday I called to make a follow up appt with my Dr about my leg & I was informed that my Dr. was no longer there..WTF ??? I guess she has been gone for a couple of weeks now what pisses me off is when I called to ask her about some pain meds the receptionist told me she would have her nurse call me back and of course she never did I guess she was already gone. I really liked my old Dr. If I was able to use my insurance somewhere else besides that clinic I would go find her.

I had a nice list of my weight-loss questions on a piece of paper on my computer table and now its gone lol...I don't know if I have paper gnomes or what running around here but it's gone into thin air....Saturday(March 10th) was me & Mk's four year anniversary I can't believe its honestly been 4 years already it doesn't seem like that long. Even though I wasn't feeling up to par we had a nice day together cause he had to work Sat night...I had a few epiphanies about my issues with my weight which I will get into in the next post..I am off to relax and read....


Anonymous said...

Oh my … medicine head buzz! Yuck! Happy anniversary! Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding our blog Incredible Shrinking Ladies to your blogroll. We have added your blog to ours. Have a great day! Lady Rose and Mama Kelly