Sunday, April 29, 2007

I LOVE my Dr. But HATE the OFFICE & Misc Catch -Up

My Dr's office has this new policy well its not new it has been in affect for awhile but I hate it..To make an appt you have to call that week, a week ahead or the same day. Now this pisses me off I like to make my appts earlier in advance so I know I have an appt. I called last Mon(23rd) to make an appt for Fri(27th) now the office opens at 8 and I called about 8:45 but the receptionist said she was all booked for Fri ok now someone tell me how is it in 45 min this women is all booked for Fri..So I am going to get up tomorrow and call there at 8 and if they say she is booked up again I am going to go ballistic..Also while we are on this topic someone explain to me. They said you can make an appt a week in advance how is it when I call on a Fri to make an appt for the following Fri they tell me to call back on Mon but when I call on Mon I can make an appt for next Mon. Good grief people its the same number of days come on now...So we will see what happens when I call there tomorrow if you see on the national news about a women getting arrested for going off on a receptionist at a Dr's office you know its me lol... Also to update you on other events....

The skin is finally growing back on my shin/leg area its half covered and getting smaller so hopefully by the end of next month I can stop buying all this gauze, toppers, non-stick pads and kling rolls I swear in the past 3 months I been keeping Johnson & Johnson in business having to buy all this stuff..Also an update on my uncle they took out his breathing tube a week ago I do believe and then they put it back in and as of Fri the took it out and decided to out in a treack (you know when they put the tube in your neck)..He has also had 2 more blood transfusions and is still on Dialysis..He has 2 cultures done a 24 hr one and 3 day one the 24 one came back ok but I guess the 3 day one came back with something on it...I can't remember if I posted this on the last update if so sorry for repeating. When they did the scope they said the front and back of his pancreas is dead but the middle is still ok I have no freaking idea what that means...They are suppose to be doing a biopsy on his pancreas...He astill has an infection and they have no idea where it is coming from and he is on a ton of antibiotics and they don't seem to be working so that is all I know for now I will post more when I know more enjoy your sunday....


Scribbit said...

I had that kind of thing with my kids' pediatrician. Loved him but hated his office staff. I stuck it out until the nasty lady quit and it's been smooth ever since.

SignGurl said...

I'm sorry to read about your uncle. Hopefully the antibiotics will take hold soon.

I'm happy to read that your wound is getting better. I can't imagine how horrible this has been for you.