Thursday, August 31, 2006

Water & Doctors & Insurance

Ok since Sunday I have been drinking only water, water with crystal light(god I love that stuff can't go wrong its only 5 calories LOL) and I had a cup of Vanilla Chai Decaf Tea (OMG this is so yummy) but anyways so all week it's been water and man I swear like every 30 min i feel like I'm running to the bathroom thank god we live in a one bedroom lol.....It seems my Doctor's office has lost their minds I called Monday to make an appt for next week and one of the receptionists tells me that they have a new scheduling thing in effect you have to call for an appt the week you want to be seen...Ummm WTF now what are the chances of me actually getting an appt next week when I call and if I can't I am going to be pissed cause I need to bee seen next week the week after is too late.. Now here is something funny well not funny but I had to laugh to keep from pulling my hair out at the time...Monday I went to pick up one of my BP meds and my Depo shot and when she rings it up she is like $ 100.51 and i'm like excuse me hell my BP meds are like $ 22.00 and the shot is $ 10.00 she says well let me take a look come to find out my insurance wouldn't cover it casue there is a generic version on the market and then she says to me do you still want it ummm no I say...I am not paying $ 75.00 for a lil vial that is no more then a inch tall and looks like its full of a mixture of milk and water...So I called the Doctor's office and the Dr said she would fax over a prescription for the Generic version as long as it works and I don't grow a third eye or anything i'm happy...That's all for now.....

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Please Don't Pass the Salt...

I learned something today that kind of shocked me for a person with high bllod pressure I consume wayyy to much salt and it has got to stop that is for sure....I made one step today and joined Sparks People you can find them on my front page...From what I have read so far on there its a cool place is very informative and its a great website...I was talking to a friend today and she she wanted to lose weight to make her boyfriend happy.. Now if there is one thing I know its that if your going to lose weight for it to work you have to do it for yourself first and foremost your the one working at it, your the one who is benefitting from it, your the one changing your habits becasue according to him he thinks she has gained a lil too much weight after having a baby 4 months ago...I'm sorry but whi cares about baby weight you just popped out a baby gimme a damn break but that is just my idea..She asked me why I was losing weight and I told her plain and simple I am doing it for me no one else but me not for my boyfriend, my mother or for the family member that most of us have who always says to you "You have such a cute face but" god you have no idea how many times I heard that when I was younger....Most of the women in my family on my mom & my dad's side are big women and I am sure most have health issues I tend to keep mines quiet from my family except my mom but she occasionally throws in well you know you need to lose some weght...I know she worries about me she has some health issues of her she was never overweight or big and she had a stroke, has high blood pressure, and now she has Diabeties and the Dr.s also think she has a heart murmur she had her stroke about 6 years ago and last year she was diagonosed with Congestive Heart Failure and I know she think hell if she was never over weight and all this happend to her she worries about me since I am and I have to love her for that...I love my boyfriend for making me feel pretty and special no matter what size I am all the health issues erupted after we got together and I gotta say with all the shit I have had to deal with health wise I am surprised he hasn't ran for the hills...Well that is enough for tonight see you in my posts.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Decision Time

Well I have come to a decision in my life it's time for this Phat chick to shed some pounds... Now before anyone says well I am contradicting the title of my blog no I'm not...What I am saying is I need to lose weight and Phat chicks still rule lol...I am not doing for vanity or for people who give a damn what I look like I am doing it for that fact I am tired of my back hurting, my legs hurting, and I am so damn tired of waking up in the morning having to pop 7 pills in the morning and 2 before bed every night 7 of them are for my blood pressure alone and I HATE pills....with a passion I rather deal with a headache then take aspirin lol...I know its going to be hard to lose weight but I have to commit to this and try hard at it...There is one thing I can control from the get go and that is what I put in my mouth no more soda I need to drink more water I don't drink nearly enough I love those Crystal Light on th go packs even when I am at home I just add them to a bottle of water and instant yummy drink lol...I have to cut out Fast Food plus we will be saving so much money when we cut out Fast Food and I need to give up Candy I am sure there are things I can substitute and have it still be tasty...I don't really eat fried foods the only friend food I ever really eat is fast food...I love veggies and fruit....I could live off salad lol lettuce, mushrooms, black olives and some Ranch Dressing and I am good to go I don't like tomatoes...... cucumbers are ok every once in awhile...I need to try Fat-Free Ranch and get some good low cal recipes..I have some weight-loss blogs posted on my page I figure reading them may give me a few ideas, talking to my Dr and maybe seeing a nutritionist may only issue with that is I really don't want to have some lady who has never been more then maybe 125lbs. tell me how to lose weight I would like to talk to someone who has been where I am and has battled back but I will see about that as time goes on.. I also need to figure out an exercise routine with my back and legs walking isn't really an option so maybe I will have to start out with a sitting routine I will have to check that out to..I have a plan I just need the will power to stick to it..well that's all for now its almost 3 A.M lol I'll write more later...

Friday, August 25, 2006

More About Me....

The weight didn't start packing in until puberty hit then all hell broke loss its like a dam broke somewhere and boobs and ass was all around LOL...I was a pretty active kid so I was a lil chubby but nothing bad as I got older things changed..Even being on the go and walking and taking gym in school didn't seem to help lose weight..I was a hell of a lot smaller in High School then what I am now I will explain the sudden shift in my weight gain later in the story...But for me Junior High & High School weren't bad I would do them over again only cause I know I can get better grades then what I got but I graduated on time LOL..I never had any real problem with my weight i'm sure some people had some snide comments to say but no one ever had the balls to say them to my face so I didn't care....I didn't ever not participate in things becasue of my weight it either interested me or it didn't I graduated High School in 1997...Now lets fast forward a few years to about 2 1/2 to 3 years ago I was living in Las Vegas, Nevada loving it (GOD I MISS IT) here is where the sudden shift in weight comes in...I used to walk all over the place there especially the strip I could spend hours just walking it even though I lived there until one day something happened I woke up with this major pain in my lower back it would hurt like hell when I walked, stood, or even sat for a period of time well come to find out it was my siatic nerve and since there is no cure walking became a big problem I could walk to a few min and then I would have to stop cause me legs would go numb so with me having limited mobility the weight just packed itself on and now here I am at 27 and at my highest weight ever in my life and even more health issues to match...I have high blood pressure, PCOS(Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and my newest medical issue is lymphedema but that is enough about me for now

Thursday, August 24, 2006

About This Blog

I love to write so I figured I wouls try my hand at writing about something I know very well and that is being a BBW...Now this whole blog won't only be about bbws I will also talk about other things here too and some of the blogs & links listed won't be related to bbw issues..I welcome all comments or questions my email is on my profile but what I will not tolerate is rude, nasty or derogatory comments yes everyone is intitled to their own opinion but you don't have to state it in a inconsiderate manor...